Sunday, December 18, 2005

Many hours - many cars moved to get 30 miles home

I am now experiencing ice and snow in Portland and the worst is yet to come. . .I took 3 hours getting home. Much of it was taken up by helping people stuck on the ice. I was not a moment too soon buying chains for the truck today. I still need tighteners but even slightly loose they got me moving. If only more folks had gotten them I might have gotten home sooner.

It's kind of funny though because my son and I had been planning to go into the mountains for snow today but his mis-behavior at school on Friday precluded that. Apparently, God decided to bring the snow to him instead. I had to help a friend move a washer and dryer after church today (just before the snow hit) so Cay was with a friend his age when the snow hit - I, alas was on the road with a trailer. He got to go out and play in the snow for about an hour while I fought my way back through the ice.

We got just a sprinkling of freezing rain that crystallized all the moisture 0n the road while I took him to momma's before heading over the Columbia to get home. I would estimate I helped move about 75 cars - many were a necessity to get through, some were just to be kind. It took a while but was a good lesson to my son about being neighborly. I have just the perfect amount of bourbon left to kill the pain and here I am warm and blogging. . .

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