Saturday, April 09, 2005

Never again my ass, we're fucking complicit

Children raped to death, a death toll of 300,000 plus in two fucking years and we get this from the Times: "Ms. Rice did not hold out much hope that the administrations strategy would accomplish a great deal. The Sudanese leaders, she said, "have learned that much of what we consider terribly wrong they can get away with."

We play world police when it suits our business interests but when it comes to genocide we can't fucking well be bothered. This is what the fucking so called
culture of life" is all about. We can occupy a country to foster so called democracy, but we had to be dragged into the weak U.N. resolution 1593 regarding the genocide in Darfur. How fucking dare we. And how dare the Jewish community remain silent while this continues.

Millions live in terror, hungry, thirsty wondering if their family will be the next to be slaughtered. When I hold my little boy I often am forced to think about the horror that has marked the end of many young lives in Darfur. I have wept uncontrollably a couple of times now for children raped to death, bodies mutilated before they are killed. It's quite hard to explain to a three year old why papa is crying for no apparent reason. We have an absolute responsibility to make this stop. If we do not we are as complicit as the janjaweed militia perpetrating this slaughter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I bought into the whole War on Terror thinking that this would be a historic fight against ALL people everywhere who inflict terror and pain unjustly on others. I realize now that we just put a fancy title on it to justify action where it is of interest to ourselves.

I don't know if this will help you, but when I don't want my family to see me cry, I hold it in until I take a shower. Nobody can hear or see me, and it is very cleasning for my soul.