The post you might have originaly read here was a comment I was writing to another blog. I write them here if I want to post hyper-link, then discard them. This one, I accidentaly posted - I thought I deleted it, but apparently I did not. The comment was going to Dispatches from the Culture Wars, my brother Ed's blog - here. The exchange between myself and Greg Byshenk, is where the accidental paost came from.
Since I got onto the topic of the proliferation of SWAT raids, for non-violent, under-investigated cases, I'll go with it. Perusing Radley Balko's White Paper, Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America is a good place to start. Check out this, this and this - let the conversation continue in comments.
FYI, I am dead against the "war on drugs" and I am dead against the overutilisation of SWAT teams in law enforcement. As well as seeking to legalise and regulate currently illicit drugs, I also believe in legal gambling and prostitution.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
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DuWayne, are you saying you are against the war on drugs totally, or just this practice of no-knock raids that sometimes cause wrongful deaths?
Crap, I thought I deleted this. I was writing a comment to post on another blog, I did it here so I could post it with hyper-links. Usually when I do that I discard it, this one I accidentaly posted. I thouhgt I deleted it - I was mistaken. I geuss I'll have to clean it up into a post.
To answer your question, both. Though I am not against no-knock raids in ever circumstance either. I just don't think that they should be used as prevalantly as they are. If they need to they should have to get a special warrant that carries a higher evidentiary burden.
Well I was happy to think you were blogging again, but you can delete it if you wish. I never thought of using a posting to create hyperlinks in a comment, I will have to remember that trick.
Maybe we can call this the post promised in the last one, quite a qhile ago.
You can't even compare legalizing gambling and prostitution to legalizing drugs. Prostitution is between consenting adults, and doesn't bother anyone else. Gambling is the same. Nobody ever gets hyped up on sex or gambling and gets behind the wheel of a car and becomes a danger to society the way a person who is hyped up on drugs can. And the notion of legalizing prostitution and/or gambling should be left to the states, as it is now. In no way should there ever be any federal say in these matters.
To Kevin's previous comments on your last posting that says to look at prohibition, that isn't the same as legalizing drugs, either. Alcohol WAS legal, then when it was made illegal was when it went underground. Drugs are undeground now, why make using them legal and thus be saying in essense that it is okay to use them when clearly it is not? Like now that abortion is legal, it is actually an acceptable pratice to have one (legal and rare my ass).
We cannot condone activity by making it legal. We cannot simply give up on the war on drugs, too many great minds and souls are being lost to drugs and we need to help these people, not enable them more to abuse their minds and bodies, and put others at risk for harm when they are under the influence.
Just think about this..
If it weren't for drugs we wouldn't have Rosie O Donnell
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DuWayne more power to you and to your future endeavor. Wish you all the best and success in life.
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