Sunday, February 19, 2006

I am back online

I am back but there are going to be a changes. I am going to be focusing on issues effecting single parents more than anything else. I am developing a ministry within my church specificly for single parents. Being one myself I noticed a big lack of anything for us in my church and in fact in most churches. There are a lot of important ways the church can and should be reaching non-traditional families and that is what I am going to be spending a lot of time working on. I am therefore going to focus my blogging here as much as possible to on single parent and other non-traditional family issues.

I will be allowing myself once a week to post on anything else that has me irked. I am going to stick to this the best I can and see what happens. There are so many things happening that directly effect non-traditional families that I likely won't have a hard time finding things to write about. Healthcare will be a big one coming up soon. I have a lot of things to get done before I get back to posting regularly but I will be back into the swing in a couple of days.


Beth said...

God bless you in your new ministry, you know my prayers are with you always!

I am also happy to see you posting again!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back,DuWayne!

Can't wait to read what ya've got to say!

DuWayne Brayton said...

Thanks, I will try to get to it asap. I have a lot of catching up to do and I am mega busy right now.